After what seems forever, I have decided to give Butter a go tonight, along with P and his friends. Because my alcohol tolerance is sooooo low now, (the other time I had half a Yuzu bottle and for the rest of the night I had a massive splitting headache) I think I might stick to beer instead of hard liquor for I don't intend to end up dead drunk like last December. Mega embarrassing (for me) and burdensome (for P). So last night I showed P my outfit for tonight and he went delirious... He put it on, (it's too bad I was not allowed a photograph of that moment) and paraded around my room, in an attempt to expand and completely destroy it. Haha he is very cute, isn't he? I love how my boyfriend is so protective of me, in the most ridiculous yet hilarious ways.
This made me laugh hahaha. I can imagine. :p