


Spent my Friday afternoon with Shirley at USS! Even though I forgot my generous layer of sunblock, probably grew a couple more freckles and caught sight of the slightest tan line, everything else was perfect throughout the day. The Mummy was addictive; just like how it was over at Universal Orlando. Oh yes, and I had a hard time differentiating ordinary people from mascots (S would prolly know what this means). Anyway, I will blog more about yesterday soon. Keep checking back, and I will see you real soon! x



Photo on 2011-04-24 at 15

Photo on 2011-04-24 at 22


Last Import - 1








Look at what came this morning! I am officially a proud owner of Pendleton!!
Thank you UO for making this possible.

Anyway, my holidays are here. And according to E, it’s sixteen days in total. Which also means that it’s not exactly long to begin with, pathetic is the word to describe it. Well, at least it’s better than nothing, I guess.

I have been hanging out pretty often, and yes, my life is complete but my struggles are not over. Grades, even though they are merely used to measure our performances, they are also the sole reason that all of us are studying so hard for because unfortunately in our country, grades define our future and career paths. Poor grades lead us nowhere, unless we are born into wealth.

Sigh, when is this paper chase ever gonna end? I am tired, already. x


Stand up, Get out & Do something

I really like the idea of participating in a campaign for a good cause. I know some of you will probably think, “oh boy, work has definitely got into her..” and “she’s just into this shit for a while, she’ll get over it soon” or “trust me, she’s never gonna do it”. Well, I am just saying for now, but I really, really want to lend a hand to somebody or at least, something. Maybe not animals, cos I am not an animal person but to earth, to the less fortunate, etc. I don’t want to just rot in my seat and watch the clock tick, I wanna do something. Life will be so much more fulfilling this way, don’t you think?

Now, who’s with me?


Won't stop to surrender

I have been living with short(er) hair since Sunday.
Can't think of anything interesting to update because I have been stuck at home for days with an unfinished assignment. It's the last one for the trimester, so wish me luck! x

Ps. I took away the tagboard because it's annoying me, aesthetically. So use the comment function if you wanna say hi or ask me something! :)


The greatest people of all time

IMG_3915IMG_3916IMG_3920IMG_3918Screen shot 2011-04-06 at AM 10.06Screen shot 2011-04-06 at AM 10.06Screen shot 2011-04-06 at AM 10
Hung out with my favorite bunch last friday.
The day was long, and so is my hair.
Looks like it's time for another trip to the salon, oh what a pain. x