
Wake me up when the sun sets

Today marks the very beginning of a new month, which also means my favorite month has come to an expected end. I can’t possibly describe how quickly July has passed, but it has definitely challenged the swimming speed of mine. Fyi, I swim pretty fast, much faster than the combined speed of three terrapins but sadly not as good as a single dolphin.

So we bid farewell to the weekend once again, and I feel tired. Extremely, with no forms of exaggeration. I slept Sunday away, and the first half of Monday too. This is quite unlike my usual self, hence I concluded that I am or should be suffering from over-exhaustion. Now, how do I recover from this? I’ve had coffee and cake, but they, like my best friends, attempted to help only to no avail. Rehearsal for tomorrow’s presentation is at 8pm tonight on Skype, it was supposed to take place the previous evening but E and I shared the same amount of exhaustion and called it off. Which reminds me I’ve yet to prepare anything, and it would actually kill me to start now. I need more rest. A pathetic entry as such, took me approximately 15 minutes to complete. I paused at every 5 words, backspaced after 10, only to compose a seemingly meaningless post for the day.

Guess I should stop here, I’ll be back when I am well. Wish me luck, cause I really need some. So long for now x.

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