

Right, my fellow buddy is requesting for a speedy update so here it is.

Well, I cant believe almost half of the year has past. It's been.. a pretty good year so far, particularly since graduation. I have been enjoying myself, hanging out with my favorite bunch of people, working for leisure, not stressing out at all well maybe just a little initially but my mind is totally carefree now. Learning to attain the peace of mind was of course not easy, but I figured I should quit worrying.

And so I'm just pinning all my hopes on getting into UoN, swear I'll study real hard this time and not get distracted by some annoying cute boy. Haha. Actually I thought maybe I could push hard for Honours but apparently one needs to get like 5.0 to be accepted which is ridiculous and highly impossible. Okay, maybe miracles can happen. Right.

Recently, I have been meeting up with K, for movies, shopping, manicures and all things girly. I really like how we share a lot of things in common, and she is less attached to her boyfriend. No what I meant was, she has plenty of time for me! So I wanna bring her to many places, possibly around the world when we grow older! Oh did I mention we take delight in desserts so much that we'll simply skip the main course for that? Whatever diet girls, go starve yourself and be pretty. K, if you're reading this, lets go to TWG Tea at Ion the next time for sweet treats!

To everyone who is working extra hard, remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Life is short, enjoy your coffee and relish every moment ;) till then, xx.

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