
Thank you

This very moment, I feel like blowing bubbles your way and saying late night thank yous. Solely because this blog is absolutely private now, though not locked, but the link has been removed from Twitter, long ago from Facebook, and the only people that are able to find their way to this space of mine is through their memories and experiences. Be it good ones or bad, I do not know how do I fare as a blogger. I write little these days, because words do not express my feelings. I am still in the midst of finding an alternative to better express myself. But for now, all I can do to continue typing. Even if these words dont mean anything.

So how have you all been doing? I do wonder who you are at times, do I know you personally? Talk to me, be anonymous no more. I'll like to know you all a little better :)


  1. hi samantha! :) The first time i saw you was at NP. i was screaming at my friend saying ' hey look! she is so pretty ' So my friend helped me search and have reading ur blog since then! You are AWESOME! :)
    love, miss reader

  2. happened to get to your blog through some links and i think your posts are really interesting, the fashion, food . . .


    from female reader

  3. Omg you two are really sweet!

    Miss reader, aww you were from NP too? Haha that's really cute, how did you guys search for me on the net! haha thank you, you just made my day :) xx

    Female reader, haha bloghopped and chanced upon here then? Aw thanks :D

  4. Sammmm! Yes you do know me! :) I can't wait for me to be back and do whatever we planned on bbm! Hehehe love Ameeee <3

  5. i'm not sure how she searched for you. i was jumping for joy when she told me she found your blog link. yup NP. i saw u at canteen 1 !! :) :) and once, i saw u at topshop at marina sq! i was so happy! haha

    love, miss reader

  6. Chanced upon your site and was immediately hooked. Because of the photos and the way you write.

    Continue writing! :) cheers!

  7. Hi pretty! Another anonymous reporting. It's been a real long time since I last set foot in here. Well I linked here long ago through J's & because R's a friend of an ex of mine(like nine years ago). I like your style of writing, photos etc. Keep it going : )


  8. Oh wow i wasn't expecting any more comments, but here I am reading this one from you and I cannot help but thank you more for your appreciation towards this humble space :) I will continue writing for as long as my interest takes me x.
