
Twenty One

IMG_4836IMG_4839Photo on 2011-07-28 at 00Photo on 2011-07-28 at 00Photo on 2011-07-28 at 00IMG_4754IMG_4772IMG_4776IMG_4787IMG_4802IMG_4813IMG_4812IMG_4849IMG_4821IMG_4806Photo on 2011-07-27 at 21

Turning 21 wasn’t that bad after all. Thank you to these girls who made it possible. And to the rest who called, texted or/and wrote on my wall, Facebook and Twitter, many thanks. I appreciate every single one of your greetings from the bottom of my heart. And the gifts, of course. My 21st couldn’t get any better, even though my plans skewed a little and my house turned a little messier. Still, I wouldn’t change a thing if I were given a chance to!

Love you all xx


  1. Sam! You turned prettier when you turned 21! <3 Hehehehe :D
    Loveee, Ame xoxo

  2. Hey ame, aww really? Thanks :) You looked lovely yourself. I look/feel old already, x fingers that wrinkles wouldn't appear anytime soon!
